04 No. Palashbari UP
Maishal Bhai's buffalo car was once the only means of transportation but is no longer seen. Baliadangi Upazila can be easily reached directly by luxury bus from Dhaka. The distance from Dhaka to Baliadangi by road is about 450 km. Baliadangi can be reached by road from Syedpur by air and by road from Syedpur or Dinajpur by rail. The Asian Highway directly from Dhaka to Baliadangi is very wide. Although most of the main roads in Baliadangi Upazila are paved, unpaved roads are observed everywhere. Due to its sandy soil, it is suitable for unpaved roads even during the monsoon season. This place can be visited by van, bus, mixer, through Baliadangi crossroads.
The Fatehpur Mosque is located near Moral Hat, west of Baliadangi Upazila, built during the Mughal period. The mosque has 03 domes, 4 semi-submerged angular pillars at the four corners, the lower part of which is pitcher shaped and rich in design. The exterior of the mosque is 30 feet 6 inches in length and 13 feet 6 inches in width. Prayers are still performed in the mosque.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS